What Is An Application Firewall (WAF) And How Does It Benefit?

The benefits of WAF or Application Firewall can make the difference between a secure web application and one that has been compromised. Many IT managers still struggle with WAFs because they are expensive and difficult to maintain. Sometimes, they are considered unnecessary if there are other security practices, such as the proper development of secure software and […] [read more]

Differences Between FTP, FTPS And SFTP

Sometimes we get complicated with these terms. Choose the transfer protocol you should use to upload your website. It is more confusing when almost everyone looks alike in the name, there are some differences between them, in particular, how data exchange occurs, security levels and the server or client firewall. FTP The FTP protocol (File Transfer Protocol) […] [read more]

What Are The Best email Management Software?

Windows 10 offers a wide variety of impressive applications that can increase both your productivity and your peace of mind, especially when it comes to email. Of course there are hundreds of “best email management (messaging) software” that claim to achieve this goal. We have established a complete list of the cream of the crop – “The […] [read more]

The 6 Free Security Tools For IT Administrators

We’ve put together the 6 free security software tools for system administrators. These tools are supposed to make your job easier and help you solve security problems more quickly. 1. KeePass Password Safe Free open source password manager, it helps you manage your passwords safely. You can store all your passwords in a database locked by a master key […] [read more]

The 5 Most Common Types of Cyberattacks

A cyber attack is any kind of offensive action that targets systems, infrastructure or computer networks, or personal computers, using various methods to steal, modify or destroy data or computer systems. Today, we will describe the 10 most common types of cyberattacks: 1. Denial of Service (DoS) and Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attacks A denial of […] [read more]

Top 5 Windows Server Monitoring Software Tools

If you do not know at all times the state of your network and your servers, you are like a blind pilot … it is the disaster announced. Fortunately, there are now some very good tools – commercial or open source – for monitoring the network and Windows Server. Since good and free is always better […] [read more]

6 Tips To Protect Your Domain Name From Domain Thieves

Domains of thieves? Yes, a tricky subcategory of those buyers and resellers of the domain that we call domainers . To buy a deferred or expiring domain name (also known as: trap) is not an illegal activity in itself: you buy domains that no one else requires, and if you mean to use them legally (for personal or commercial purposes), […] [read more]

What is a domain name? What is web hosting?

To create a site, you must have a domain name and web hosting. But what is a domain name? What is web hosting? Aren’t they the same? It is important that you are completely clear in their differences before moving on to creating your first site . What is web hosting? Web hosting is a computer on which people store […] [read more]