The word engagement means commitment or involvement when it comes to creating strong and lasting working relationships.

If we refer to Social Networks, engagement is in a formidable way to create and strengthen these professional relationships, and it is undoubtedly one of the desired goals of any professional or brand worth it’s salt.

Below we will see the most effective ways to increase engagement on Twitter :

1.- Improving our tweets

To improve our tweets and get more engagement on Twitter I recommend:

  • The ideal extension of a tweet is 120 to 130 characters, never try to reach 140 because you will be subtracting clicks and engagement.
  • Using hashtags will increase the reach of your post and therefore we can get more RT and favorites.
  • Including infographics can improve engagement on Twitter by up to 150%.
  • Remember that none of the above makes sense if the basis of which we publish is not the content of exceptional quality and value.

2.- Publish content regularly, the weekend included

You have to be a constant means of communicating content, every day of the week, every week of the month and every month of the year. If you just started on the subject and do not have much experience, I recommend that you start a frequency of publication of 6 to 10 daily tweets, but spaced in time because if we were not making some of the worst mistakes on Twitter.

3.- The time of publication is key

Knowing the best hours of posting a tweet is essential to increase engagement on Twitter. To know it there are different tools although I recommend 3; Followerwonk, Buffer, and SocialBro.

4.- Use verbs and adverbs

Social Media of the HubSpot company, conducted a study where he analyzed more than 200,000 tweets where he concluded that those tweets that used verbs or adverbs had much more chance of generating engagement on Twitter.

In the following infographic, you can see the most significant data of the study.

5.- Identify and connect with influencers

If we get several influencers on Twitter to publish our publication, we can reach hundreds of thousands of people in a few hours and with it increase considerably in engagement on Twitter.

Here is a post with the best influencers on Twitter of Digital Marketing and Social Media.

6.- Include links in your publications

According to a study by Sales Forces, tweets that contain a link receive 86% more RTs.

7.- Insert infographics in your tweets

Normally we use the infographics to capture and impact at a simple glance at the user but what you may not know is how they can improve engagement on Twitter. These data have been extracted from a study of the Buffer company :

  • Tweets with images receive 89% more favorites.
  • Tweets with images receive 18% more clicks than those without.
  • Tweets with images receive 150% more retweets.

8.- Analyze your audience and listen to it

Someone may seem to be something obvious, the truth is that many people skip it or do not pay the necessary attention.

We must know and know our community well to succeed with our content marketing strategy.

To get to know your followers on Twitter better, I recommend that you use the free Followerwonk tool, it takes you 5 minutes to know what are the topics that most interest your audience.

9.- The choice of title

We all know that choosing the title is very important to improve your engagement, so choose a title that arouses a lot of interest in your followers. One thing is the title that we choose optimized for SEO in the Blog and another is how we can make it more impactful and more natural to publish it on Twitter, although I always like to find the balance between a social headline and SEO for the Blog and so I don’t have to change the title when publishing it on Social Networks.

10.-Be very active on Twitter

It is essential the way the followers perceive you, in this way if you are a friendly, cordial professional who always attends to his followers this will make your engagement on Twitter greater.

Actively participate in the conversations that mention you

Extra : There is another way to improve engagement on Twitter and it is through Twitter Ads , I have used it and it gives very good results, both in RTs and favorites and in visits that you get for your Blog.