

  • New feature
  • Improvement or update
  • Bug/Issue fix
  • Security vulnerability fix
  • Discontinued or removed


on May 24, 2024

  • Upgraded Roundcube to the latest version
  • Fixed a bug causing users to reapply licence every 20 days
  • Fixed various white label branding related content
  • Disabled default "Content Cache" for domains to prevent conflicts with WordPress installation on OpenLiteSpeed


on Mar 28, 2023

  • Git Deployment with an option to manage development, staging, and production deployments separately. Also supports manual and auto deployments.
  • Cloud Backup Manager with variety of options to securely and efficiently backup your data at your own schedule
    • ability to backup full user account, specific directories, databases, and database users
    • include/exclude specific directories and files from backups
    • hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly sequences to automate backups
    • option to add local and S3 cloud destinations to store backup securely
    • option to restore partial and full backups
    • in-built queue system to process backup/restore job and with option to view job logs
  • Redis plugin support added. Available under Plugins area in Administrator view
  • Other improvements and security bugs to improve control panel performance


(not released)

  • v3.1.19 was an internal release for testing and development purposes and was not intended for public release. The features planned for version 3.1.19 have been included in version 3.1.20.


on Nov 09, 2022

  • Added new white label manager interface, which allows to customize panel branding


on Sep 09, 2022

  • File Manager: Improved performance and fixed minor bugs
  • File Manager: Added file editor and support for .tar & .rar archives
  • Fixed webmail login and services status interface issues for Alma and Rocky Linux


on Jun 15, 2022

  • Added auto-cleanup for Message Center to delete messages older than 30 days
  • Fixed bug where subdomain "Add New" button was not working
  • Fixed domains quota validation as per allowed limits
  • Fixed minor bug in SSL keys list page


on Jun 06, 2022

  • Added support for Rocky Linux 8.x, AlmaLinux 8.x
  • Discontinued support for CentOS 8.x


on May 09, 2022

  • Added support for OpenLiteSpeed (beta) and Standalone Nginx (beta) HTTP stacks, along with the current Nginx+Apache Hybrid stack
  • Minor UI improvements on SSL list page, messages list page and buttons text changes


on Apr 07, 2022

  • Added a new FREE Licence option with limited features
  • Improved 1-click WordPress installer to support multiple versions (5.9.2, 5.8.4, 5.7.6, and 5.6.8)
  • Minor bug fixes and improvements


on Feb 08, 2022

  • Added chroot-ed shell support to provide secure & isolated shell environment
  • New in-browser terminal support beta
  • Advanced firewall protection with ConfigServer Security & Firewall (csf)
  • Fixed validation issue with 3rd party wildcard SSL certificates


on Dec 28, 2021

  • Added support for PHP 8.0 and PHP 8.1
  • Added button to start failed services under Server Status > Services Status
  • Improved domain name validation where adding www version was breaking SSL in some edge cases
  • Improved overall validations in various areas of the panel
  • Minor improvements in Let's Encrypt SSL installer and renewal process
  • Fixed MultiPHP Extensions installer interface, now PHP extensions can be managed from dashboard with single click
  • Fixed one security vulnerability in FTP accounts


on Oct 11, 2021

  • Improved upgrade command. New upgrade command and guide can be found here
  • Fixed broken installation repo links and related certs issues


on Aug 14, 2021

  • Integrated WHMCS Module with ZesleCP. Now, accounts can be managed via WHMCS
  • Fixed Let's Encrypt SSL auto-renewal


on Jun 19, 2021

  • Added API support with packages, resellers, and users endpoints
  • Added missing php symbolic links. Now, following commands should work: php -v, ze-php72 -v, ze-php73 -v, and ze-php74 -v
  • Fixed emails ssl error of TLS currently unavailable


on Mar 30, 2021

  • Added Roundcube password plugin. Now, users can manage their passwords directly from Roundcube email client
  • More fixes and improvements in ZesleCP cron schedule runner
  • PHP-fpm optimized. Fixed memory leak issues of zesle-php fpm pool


on Feb 09, 2021

  • Added new list view in File Manager
  • Added new "permissions" and "MIME type" columns in File Manager
  • Added option to delete domain SSL
  • More regex validation fixes around FTP accounts, domains path field
  • Fixed subdomain unique issue, now same named subdomain can be added for different main domains
  • Fixed WordPress .htaccess and PHP version handler conflict (Now, WordPress .htaccess re-save will not remove PHP version handler entry from .htaccess file)
  • Fixed "mysqld" service auto start upon server restart


on Dec 20, 2020

  • Added ZesleCP app image in DigitalOcean marketplace ( )
  • Added new sudo zesle first:run command for users who create ZesleCP from DigitalOcean app droplet image. Run this command to complete the setup after creating a droplet.
  • Added PHP open_basedir based security restrictions
  • Fixed database migration issue in ZesleCP upgrade command


on Dec 19, 2020

  • Improved ZesleCP cron schedule runner
  • Fixed conflicts with CentOS setenforce


on Dec 18, 2020

  • Backup wizard - option to create, manage, and download files and database backups
  • Improved services management page (option to enable/disable services such as Apache, Nginx, MySQL, PHP and more)
  • Improved ZesleCP upgrade command
  • Fixed One-click app installation path selection, path uniqueness check and regex validation
  • Fixed One-click app permission denied issue
  • Fixed WordPress .htaccess file owner bug


on Dec 09, 2020

  • Added brand new message center (records messages & notifications for SSL installation process)
  • Added new placeholder page for suspended accounts
  • Added CentOS8 support
  • Added SSL for main ZesleCP panel URL
  • Added SSL for EXIM service
  • Improved 3rd SSL cert installation interface
  • Improved domain validation for One-click app (WordPress) install
  • Updated general 404 error pages
  • Minor text updates for overall warning messages
  • Improved DKIM keys generate mechanism
  • Improved overall domains conf-rebuild functionality
  • Design changes (left sidebar menu icons update)
  • Fixed bug in A Record checking functionality for domains and subdomains
  • Fixed issue with SSL sans detection


on Nov 16, 2020

  • applied minor security fixes and patches


on Nov 13, 2020

  • Added new WordPress installer
  • Added option to add custom MX records
  • Added Ioncube extension compatibility (still manual install)
  • Added emails accounts option for subdomain. Now, user can create email accounts based on subdomains as well
  • Updated DNS rebuild function to rebuild whole conf on user terminate
  • Fixed validation issues with email alias
  • Fixed EXIM files permissions issue
  • Fixed SPF, DKIM records for subdomain create & delete
  • Removed PHP5.6 support


on Nov 09, 2020

  • Added termination option for user & reseller accounts
  • Added suspend option for user & reseller accounts
  • Added parked domains feature
  • Added delete restriction on user's primary domain
  • Added multiple files upload feature in File Manager
  • Added email alias option
  • Added email forwarding option
  • Added email auto reply option
  • Added Brute Force protection on login page
  • Added apache status page in dashboard
  • Added encryption for FTP accounts and email passwords
  • Added mysql 8 compatibility
  • Added dummy welcome page for domains
  • Improved CPU load metrics on dashboard
  • Improved RAM load metrics on dashboard
  • Reduced subdomain characters limit to 1 character
  • Minor text updates in installer command
  • Fixed known issue with domain wildcard settings
  • Fixed known issues with DNS MX records saving
  • Fixed phpMyAdmin root password issue
  • Fixed File Manager copy/paste issue
  • Fixed bug in Hosting Package validation
  • Fixed known issues with Log Viewer
  • Fixed issue with deleting nginx/apache conf files on domain delete
  • Fixed issue with FTP account password (on edit)


on Aug 07, 2020

New feature additions into ZesleCP v3 version:
  • Whole new interface to improve user experience and usability
  • Reseller accounts - create and launch Control Panel accounts for your resellers
  • Multi-user accounts - create and launch Control Panel accounts for your direct customers
  • Hosting packages - create hosting packages for your customers. Limit the services you want to provide and enjoy the full control
  • Database management - option to easily create and manage your databases & users, along with MySQL wizard & phpMyAdmin
  • Multiple IPs - option to add additional IP addresses
  • Processes manager - see all the current processes
  • Root filesystem manager - manage root level operating system files
  • Logs viewer - see all the logs directly from ZesleCP dashboard
  • File manager - brand new file manager with tons of new features (replaced old legacy file manager of v2)

Features migrated from v2 to v3 (with design and functionality improvements):
  • Server configuration - get all the common packages (LAMP/LEMP) and services ready out-of-the-box
  • Domains management - add and manage your website domains and subdomains
  • Multi-PHP editor - manage multiple PHP versions and ini config settings
  • Email accounts - create email accounts for each website easily with pre-configured DKIM, SPF, and TXT records
  • FTP accounts - create unlimited FTP accounts
  • One-click apps - install and configure your favorite applications (only WordPress is available at the moment)
  • SSH keys - manage your SSH keys
  • SSL integration - install your preferred SSL certificates, renew and revoke certificates. One-click FREE Let's Encrypt SSL included
  • File manager - to perform all the file system related tasks easily
  • Cron job manager - schedule your tasks and commands easily


on Aug 01, 2020

  • Discontinued!


  • Discontinued! (v1 was alpha version, for internal testing only.)